Sunday, October 19, 2008

Adventures in Tortilla Making

Life seems to be getting back to normal! And with normal for us includes home cooked meals! On Friday night we decided it was time to try making corn tortillas.

A couple months ago we had gone to the San Jose Flea Market and bought a tortilla press. Finally, it was time to break that bad boy out and see it in action.

We found a tutorial online and started making our tortillas. They are super easy and super yummy. I don't know that we will buy corn tortillas ever again. Now, of course our tortillas were not perfect.

We thought they needed to be cooked a lot longer than they did (that's why you follow directions folks). We also ran into the issue that they a bit jon the small side for tacos.

So because they were smaller and a little over cooked, we turned dinner into tostadas.

In the end, it has us super charged to make corn tortillas again. And we encourage anyone who has ever wanted to do them to do it. We invested a little bit of time and made something that taste wise blew the supermarket tortillas out of the water.


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