Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
1 trick-or-treater.
Unfortunately, due to lack of parties to attend we sat at home and ordered our annual pizza. We sat here watching Chuckie and The Cell. We also made special tinfoil hats to celebrate the day. My uncle jokes about his special tin foil hat that keeps him safe. So, we made our own versions. How sad are we? Well, in 2009 we are taking back our holiday!
Monday, October 27, 2008
1 month
I guess here's to many more months of The Bubs being married ;) (well you get what I mean).
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Strange Fruit...
I did some research on how to open and eat this fruit. So, we enjoyed it with lunch. It has a sizable seed in the middle. Mario ate the seed and I did not (he said it was a little bitter). The fruit itself is an interesting texture (much like stiffer gelatin). The flavor was very mellow, refreshing and very enjoyable! We will be having this yummy fruit again!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's all in the details...

After that we had to figure out how were we going to convey who we are as a couple. Our favors/ center pieces were photos of us over our 7 years (some taken by us and some from others). I had also decided that I wanted to put my abilities to the test and began doing things like making wine charms, creating a card box, embossing napkins by hand,etc. We even made sure that everyone who checked into a hotel (that we knew about) received an Out of Town bag with goodies and a welcome letter that included directions to the site. Looking back it doesn't seem like much but during the planning process it seemed like a ton to do.

(Photo Credits in Order: Meg Perotti, TheBubs, Sabrina Lott, Meg Perotti, Raquel Walton, Meg Perotti)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Adventures in Tortilla Making
A couple months ago we had gone to the San Jose Flea Market and bought a tortilla press. Finally, it was time to break that bad boy out and see it in action.
We found a tutorial online and started making our tortillas. They are super easy and super yummy. I don't know that we will buy corn tortillas ever again. Now, of course our tortillas were not perfect.
We thought they needed to be cooked a lot longer than they did (that's why you follow directions folks). We also ran into the issue that they a bit jon the small side for tacos.
In the end, it has us super charged to make corn tortillas again. And we encourage anyone who has ever wanted to do them to do it. We invested a little bit of time and made something that taste wise blew the supermarket tortillas out of the water.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Bubs made a blog!
We were featured on Meg's Blog. Please head on over to see her beautiful work and look at our day. She's amazingly talented! While your there leave a comment they make her smile!
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Bride's View Part 1

Today I feel like talking about the wedding. It’s funny heading into the wedding I tended look down my nose a little when people would tell about their wedding and how it was the “Most Special Day of their Life”. I had a hard time believing that. Well, I have to say that it was one of the most special days in my/our lives.I cannot even pin point one moment that was the most special, the entire day just makes my heart sink in love every time I think about it.
The ceremony was beautiful and wonderfully unique and emotional. Carey a.k.a. Squirrel did a marvelous job. I got to be walked down the aisle by both of my beautiful parents and so did Mario. Our bridal party and groomsmen all looked GREAT! Meg (Mario's cousin) was an easy and very pleasant photographer to work with.
The reception was a lot of fun. The introductions went smoothly to the Friends Theme (if you don’t know Mario is a Friends fanatic). Then we got to jump the broom and neither of us fell on our faces :) Our cake and cupcakes were amazing (the red velvet with chocolate chips yum). For me hands down the best cupcake I’ve ever had in my life!
Our first dance (I don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith) was cheesy at first then Tommy had our guests come out and it just became this grand emotional moment for Mario and I. We filled with tears of joy and love. A moment that I will not quickly forget.
The food was tasty, the beer and wine flowed freely. People danced and we had a blast! I know I'm glossing over the events but it really was just so special and great!
And best of all the general consensus was that people had fun and felt the amount of personality we put into our wedding planning.
~Nicole Perotti
(Photos in order taken by Mike Graben, Meg Perotti, and Sabrina Lott)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Our trip was so amazing and wonderful. We ate at some great places (Cheeseburger in Paradise, Kimo's, Kobe Steak House, Aloha Plate Lunch) and did some awesome adventures (Feast at LeLe, Atlantis Submarine, Driving the Island).
A huge thank you to all of our friends and family who gave us honeyfund gifts and gift certificates. It really did make for a great time. We had enough stuff to but also allowed us to have some time to lounge and sink into being beach bums.
It's hard to believe that after a year plus of planning that all things wedding and honeymoon are over. I guess that means it's time for us to start sharing our stories and adventures in wedding/honeymooning.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Bub

Anyways,. right now we are running on island time and it's 9:40 in the am and we are just watching the waves roll in from our ocean front condo. Enough of this computer stuff we are off to put our feet in the water.
(Photo taken by Sabrina Lott)